In the process of making new signs, we have been given new track names from the whanau at Tapu te Ranga Marae. The Tapu te Ranga Trust would like Manawa Karioi to be used and enjoyed by everyone. Let us know what you think of the new names, we will let you all know when we have our new signs made.
Te Ahi Kā - The long burning fires
This loop track encompasses most of Manawa Karioi. Its name refers to the home fires that symbolise a group’s title to land through continuous land occupation.
Te Uma i Mokotia - The chest that was marked
This track was planted with rātā which flower red in the Spring and Summer. The name connects the track to Ngā Pari Whero, the Red Rocks, a significant landmark in the area. Kupe’s daughter, Hine-te-ura, cut her chest in grief as she feared that her father had died, staining the rocks red with her blood.
Kōiwi Tohorā - Whale bones
This track runs closest to the coast. Its name honours the marae’s connection to Tohorā, (whales), the South Coast and Te Raukawa Moana, (Cook Strait).
Meri Whaiora - A transliteration of Mary and Fowler
This track leads up to the reservoir. Its name honours those whose support was crucial to establishing Manawa Karioi and building Tapu te Ranga Marae. Meri for the Sisters of the Home of Compassion. Whaiora for former Mayor Sir Michael Fowler.
Whakatūranga - Establishment or formation
This track runs through the heart of Manawa Karioi, including Seed Source Gully. It is named for the core values of the Tapu te Ranga Trust, which are whanaungatanga, kaitiakitanga, turangawaewae and rangatiratanga.
Te Whare Āhuru - The protective house
This track leads towards Tapu te Ranga Marae. It was named after the mōteatea or lament composed to honour Bruce Stewart’s passing. It refers to him as being the “protective house” watching over those coming to the marae.
Wawata -To desire, yearn for, aspire or daydream:
This track passes through some of the earliest plantings and shows what all of Manawa Karioi aspires to become.
Moemoeā - To have a dream, to have a vision:
From this highest track you can look out across the land and see the fruition of dreams past or dream new dreams of your own.
Union Road - This track is named after the trade union workers who built it. It provided access for the construction crew to build the reservoir below the Manawa Karioi springs, supplying water to the Home of Compassion.
Volunteer workers building Union Road, Photo from the Home of Compassion Archives (23.11.1907)
Volunteer workers building Union Road, Photo from the Home of Compassion Archives (23.11.1907)