Annual General Meeting 2018

Are you keen to help keep the wheels of the Manawa Karioi Ecological Restoration Project turning, or to learn more about the project?

If so, please:

  • come to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Manawa Karioi Society at 1.30pm Sunday 23 September 2018 at Tapu Te Ranga Marae;
  • consider becoming a financial member of the Manawa Karioi Society (annual subscription $20; pay at the AGM or email for internet banking details);
  • consider joining the Society's Committee to help shape the direction of the project and to help with its implementation.
  • renew your membership

The context for our project is given by the Society's rather unique objectives - see below. The last year has seen good progress with additional planting, weed control and track maintenance. During the next year we will also be putting effort into track signage so that our tracks are more accessible and user-friendly. The AGM is an opportunity to collect our thoughts, review our progress and make plans for the future.

Everyone is most welcome to the AGM - please register for this event either through our Facebook event or reply to this email if you are planning to attend so we are aware of numbers. Tea, coffee and snacks provided.

The objectives of the Manawa Karioi Society include:

  • To restore a forest ecosystem to the land managed by the Society which is similar to that which existed there immediately before human arrival.
  • To apply the principle of kaitiakitanga, or stewardship, in the care of the land.
  • To establish a partnership of Maori and Pakeha in achieving the objects of the Society.
  • To foster community involvement in the Society’s activities by encouraging individuals and groups to use the land for activities such as recreation, education, health improvement and cultural activities at the discretion of the Committee.
  • To encourage in particular the involvement of children in the Society’s activities.

Manawa Karioi Ecological Restoration Project
Annual General Meeting 2018
23rd September 1.30pm - 3.00pm
Tapu te Ranga Marae - End of Danube Street, Island Bay
